From Blocked to Booked: Levanta’s Journey with OrbitalX to 8x More Meetings

Case Study

Levanta’s Mission: Taking Charge of Affiliate Revenue

Levanta is a venture-backed software company based in Seattle, recently acquiring a $1M funding round led by Long Run Capital. With a dedicated team size of 21 employees, Levanta leverages Amazon’s Attribution API to deliver cutting-edge solutions in partner marketing. Levanta’s mission is clear: to empower Amazon sellers and publishers to take charge of their affiliate revenue.

Levanta’s Outreach Dilemma

However, Ashley Spiker, the VP of Revenue at Levanta, was grappling with some major roadblocks. Her team faced significant challenges, including email deliverability issues that were crippling their outreach efforts. Emails were getting blocked and flagged, and even getting them delivered was becoming a nightmare. Ashley felt like she was hitting a wall: “My emails were getting blocked, my emails were getting flagged, and I wasn’t able to even send emails anymore.”

The struggle to navigate the complex landscape of email outreach was compounded by the need to pivot their strategies, refine their targeting lists, and develop the right sequences and scripts. Ashley knew that doing it all in-house wasn't scalable or sustainable, especially for a startup with big aspirations like Levanta. She needed a professional partner who could bring expertise and a proven process to the table.

Email Revamp: Levanta’s Journey to Inbox Victory

That’s where OrbitalX stepped in. The team addressed Levanta's challenges head-on, crafting a strategy to overhaul their outreach and engagement processes. The focus was on delivering real, actionable results by:

  1. Re-Engineering Email Outreach: Tackling the email deliverability issues head-on, ensuring that Levanta’s emails were not just delivered but also landed in the right inboxes. The OrbitalX team set up robust systems to prevent emails from being blocked or flagged, giving Ashley and her team the peace of mind that their messages would reach their intended audience.
  2. Optimising Target Lists: Ashley’s team needed to re-pivot their targeting approach. We helped them refine their lists to focus on the most relevant prospects, ensuring that their outreach efforts were hitting the mark. OrbitalX provided the tools and guidance necessary to curate and maintain high-quality lists that were aligned with Levanta's goals. From focusing on one stakeholder to engaging eight key individuals, the team used the B.E.S.T. framework to ensure effective collaboration.
  3. Crafting Winning Sequences and Scripts: Getting the message right was critical. The team worked closely with Levanta to develop compelling sequences and scripts that resonated with their audience, enhancing engagement and response rates. OrbitalX’s approach ensured that every touchpoint was impactful and aligned with Levanta’s brand voice and objectives.
  4. Supporting Online/Offline Events: OrbitalX helped drive attendance to both online and offline events, enabling face-to-face meetings that strengthened relationships and closed deals.
  5. Establishing a Scalable Process: To ensure long-term success, OrbitalX helped Levanta implement a scalable process for their outreach efforts. As Ashley put it, “You can’t really do it yourself anymore. You need a professional, full-time kind of flow like you guys offer. It’s just really not scalable, especially for any kind of startup or burgeoning company.”

Turning Challenges into Wins

After assisting in boosting meeting bookings specifically for Levanta’s partner channel further amplifying their outreach success, the transformation was nothing short of remarkable. By partnering with OrbitalX, Levanta saw an 8x increase in meetings booked, a critical metric for driving their revenue and growth. Ashley reflected on the impact, saying, “I feel like you really want the company to win. We had to re-pivot in terms of lists, and working with you guys, getting the right sequences and scripts out, getting the right list, getting the right process put in place—that’s really vital to making this whole thing work.”

Despite the significant progress, Ashley acknowledged that Levanta hasn’t reached the pinnacle of its potential yet. However, she expressed confidence that they are on the right path, stating, “I don’t think we’ve reached the pinnacle of our peak performance yet, but I feel like we’re getting there. I feel like you’ve helped us put the right things in place to be able to make that happen.”

A Path Forward for Levanta

Levanta’s journey with OrbitalX underscores the power of strategic partnership and professional expertise. By tackling their email deliverability issues, refining their targeting, and implementing scalable processes, Levanta not only overcame their existing challenges, but set the stage for sustainable success. Their story is a testament to the power of strategic adjustments and collaboration, and it serves as a valuable lesson for any startup looking to navigate similar hurdles and achieve sustainable success.

Demand Generation
Case Studies