What is Demand Generation?

When it comes to marketing your business, one term that frequently surfaces is "demand generation." While it sounds straightforward, the concept itself is often misconstrued or confused with related strategies like lead generation or brand awareness. However, demand generation is a pivotal component in any successful marketing strategy, particularly in today's competitive landscape where capturing and retaining customers is important.

Demand Generation

Definition and Importance of Demand Generation:

Demand generation encompasses a holistic approach to creating interest and stimulating demand for a product or service through various marketing tactics and strategies. Unlike lead generation, which focuses primarily on identifying and attracting potential customers, demand generation extends beyond the initial contact to nurture and cultivate relationships throughout the buyer's journey.

Recent studies indicate a significant shift among B2B marketing leaders towards allocating a substantial portion of their marketing activity budget to demand generation. Surprisingly, a mere 10% reported spending less on demand generation compared to the previous year. However, the real eye-opener lies in the fact that 38% are increasing their investment in demand generation, signaling a rising trend. 

This upward trajectory underscores the increasing importance of demand generation in the marketing landscape, suggesting that businesses not embracing it may be missing out on valuable opportunities for growth.

Key Components of Demand Generation:

  • Webinars and Events:
    Hosting webinars and participating in industry events are effective ways to engage prospects and establish thought leadership within the industry. 48% of marketers said webinars worked best for top-of-funnel leads in 2022. Webinars allow brands to showcase their expertise, address common pain points, and interact directly with attendees, while industry events provide networking opportunities and exposure to a broader audience.

  • Content Marketing:
    One of the cornerstones of demand generation is creating valuable and relevant content that resonates with the target audience. Whether it's blog posts, whitepapers, videos, or social media updates, compelling content educates, informs, and entertains potential customers while subtly showcasing the brand's expertise and offerings. 52% more organic traffic is generated by educational B2B blogs, while 67% of B2B marketers claim that content marketing has contributed to the creation of demand and leads.

  • SEO and SEM:
    Search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) play instrumental roles in demand generation by ensuring that the brand's content and offerings are discoverable online. By optimising website content, leveraging targeted keywords, and running strategic ad campaigns, marketers can enhance visibility and attract qualified leads to their digital properties.

  • Email Marketing:
    Email marketing remains an effective tool for nurturing leads and driving conversions despite the rise of new communication channels. Through personalised and segmented email campaigns, marketers can deliver timely and relevant content directly to prospects' inboxes, fostering engagement and building trust over time.

  • Social Media Engagement:
    With billions of users active on social media platforms, these channels present invaluable opportunities for demand generation. By crafting engaging posts, participating in relevant discussions, and leveraging paid advertising features, brands can amplify their reach and connect with potential customers more personally.

  • Lead Nurturing:
    Once leads are captured, they focus on nurturing them through targeted communication and tailored experiences. Through techniques like drip campaigns, personalised messaging, and lead scoring, marketers can keep prospects engaged and gradually guide them towards making a purchase decision.

  • Analytics and Optimization:
    Continuous measurement and analysis are essential for optimising demand generation efforts. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs, marketers can identify areas for improvement and refine their strategies accordingly.

Benefits of Demand Generation:

The business case for demand generation is compelling. While upfront costs may seem daunting, the long-term benefits far outweigh them. By implementing demand generation strategies, businesses can enhance their marketing efficiency, reduce customer acquisition costs, and improve overall ROI. Metrics such as conversion rates, customer lifetime value, and return on marketing investment provide tangible evidence of the effectiveness of demand generation efforts.


Despite the evident benefits, many businesses have yet to make the crucial shift from lead generation to demand generation. However, in today's challenging B2B SaaS landscape, where building revenue is more difficult than ever, demand generation presents a significant opportunity for growth. By embracing demand generation strategies, businesses can navigate the complexities of the market and capitalize on untapped potential.

Demand generation offers a comprehensive approach to marketing that goes beyond merely attracting leads—it focuses on nurturing relationships, fostering trust, and ultimately driving revenue. As businesses face increasing competition and evolving consumer behaviors, it's essential to recognize demand generation as a powerful tool for staying ahead in the game.

Demand Generation
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