Your Way to the #DarkSocial

When you publicly share stuff off the internet, it becomes a thing of the internet–quickly put out there for the world to feast on. But the more photos, videos, and even meme content you bombard personal DMs, emails, or text messages, the more it fills this convoluted compartment of cyberspace called “The Dark Social.” No worries. It’s not as jarring as the Deep Web or any dark rabbit hole you’ve fallen into in the early days of the web, but it can work as a marketing tool and a B2B software solution on your behalf. It’s personal, it’s human-to-human, it’s organic.


Defining Dark Social 

Coined by former The Atlantic editor Alexis Madrigal in 2012, dark social is the content that gets shared through private channels and platforms such as instant messengers, emails, and text messages. Several digital marketers also refer to it as “dark traffic” since it’s extensively used in web analytics, playing a part in direct URL sharing and brand mentioning.

Dark social constitutes a significant portion of online sharing activity, with estimates suggesting it’s responsible for over 80% of all shares. Yes, that means all public social efforts only account for 20% of the sharing pie. But this information doesn’t warrant you getting the whole pie because that will go against data privacy laws, and it’s hard to come by data tools that can get intel on that. 

The typical examples of dark social are: 

  • Messaging Apps: Platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger allow users to privately share content such as links, articles, and videos with specific individuals or groups.

  • Email: Users share content via email, sending links, articles, and multimedia privately to recipients.

  • SMS/MMS: Text and multimedia messaging enable private content sharing directly from mobile devices, including links and media.

  • Private Browsing Sessions: When users share URLs in private browsing mode, the referral source is often lost, leading to dark social traffic.

  • Secure Messaging Platforms: Encrypted platforms like Signal provide secure channels for private sharing, especially for sensitive content.

  • Offline Sharing: Word-of-mouth sharing happens verbally without digital channels, influencing others' actions and decisions.

  • Private Forums/Groups: Closed online communities and groups facilitate the private sharing of content, recommendations, and opinions among members.

The Dark Social Journey

Leveraging Dark Social for B2B Software

Within the confines of dark social, B2B software solutions have a unique opportunity to establish personal connections and create organic engagement. Whether it's sharing product demos, industry insights, or customer success stories, dark social allows businesses to deliver content directly to their target audience, bypassing the noise of traditional marketing channels.

Let’s explore how B2B software companies can harness the power of Dark Social as a strategic marketing tool, unlocking new avenues for growth and engagement in an increasingly interconnected digital landscape.

Content Optimisation:

Encourage your team members to share valuable content such as video content, blog posts, case studies, or whitepapers directly with potential clients or partners through personal messages or emails. This personalised approach can deepen connections and increase engagement.

Exclusive Offers and Promotions: Offer exclusive discounts or promotions to clients or prospects through private messaging channels. It will make recipients feel special and encourage them to share the offer with their network, amplifying your reach organically.

Direct Communication with Leads: Use dark social channels to engage in one-on-one conversations with leads or prospects. This personalised interaction allows you to address their needs, answer questions, and nurture the relationship, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Engage with Private Conversations:

Participate in private industry communities or forums where professionals gather to discuss relevant topics. Share valuable insights, contribute to discussions, and establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field, which can lead to organic referrals and partnerships.

Privacy and Trust:

Respect user privacy and build trust by ensuring that shared content is valuable, relevant, and authentic. Avoid intrusive marketing tactics and prioritise user consent and data protection.

Host Private Webinars or Workshops: Organize private webinars or workshops tailored to the interests of your target audience and promote them through Dark Social channels. This creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages attendees to participate and share insights with their peers actively.

It's also encouraging users to report their interactions through self-reported attribution voluntarily. No nosy business—just provide a platform that assesses how your customers have stumbled upon your offerings. When combined with analytics tools and methodologies, B2B software companies can gain a more comprehensive and personalised understanding of their efforts across all dark social channels.

Recognising the significance of dark social and implementing strategies to use it effectively, you can tap into the power of private sharing to expand reach, foster deeper connections with your clients, and generate leads and conversions. 

3 Pager Guide

Dark Social for B2B Software


Dark social, coined by Alexis Madrigal in 2012, refers to content shared through private channels like messaging apps, email, and SMS. It constitutes a significant portion of online sharing activity, making up over 80% of all shares. This guide explores how B2B software companies can harness dark social as a strategic marketing tool.

Defining Dark Social

Messaging Apps: Platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger enable the private links, articles, and videos sharing.

Email: Content is shared privately via email, including links and multimedia.

SMS/MMS: Text and multimedia messaging allow direct sharing from mobile devices.

Private Browsing Sessions: URLs shared in private mode often result in lost referral sources.

Secure Messaging Platforms: Encrypted platforms like Signal offer secure channels for sharing sensitive content.

Offline Sharing: Word-of-mouth sharing occurs verbally without digital channels.

Private Forums/Groups: Closed online communities facilitate private content sharing among members.

Leveraging Dark Social for B2B Software

Content Optimization:

Encourage team members to share valuable content directly with potential clients or partners through personal messages or emails.

Exclusive Offers and Promotions:

Offer exclusive discounts or promotions via private messaging channels to make recipients feel special and encourage organic sharing.

Direct Communication with Leads:

Engage in one-on-one conversations with leads or prospects through dark social channels to address their needs and nurture relationships.

Engage with Private Conversations:

Participate in private industry communities or forums to share insights and establish authority, leading to organic referrals and partnerships.

Privacy and Trust:

Respect user privacy and build trust by ensuring shared content is valuable, relevant, and authentic, avoiding intrusive marketing tactics.

Host Private Webinars or Workshops:

Organise exclusive webinars or workshops tailored to your target audience's interests and promote them through dark social channels to create a sense of exclusivity and encourage participation.


By recognising the significance of dark social and implementing effective strategies, B2B software companies can tap into the power of private sharing to expand reach, foster deeper connections with clients, and generate leads and conversions organically.

It's also a matter of encouraging users to voluntarily report their interactions through self-reported attribution. No nosy business—just provide a platform that assesses how your customers have stumbled upon your offerings. When combined with analytics tools and methodologies, B2B software companies can gain a more comprehensive and personalised understanding of their efforts across all dark social channels.

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